Unwinding the Wind-Up Bird – Decoding the Murakami Masterpiece

Unwinding the Wind-Up Bird – Decoding the Murakami Masterpiece

As I mentioned in my previous blog post, The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle can have different effects on the readers – it can either amaze you with its sheer brilliance or exhaust you with its seemingly unconnected tales. For a staunch Murakami fan, the disparateness will be nothing new but what can prove exhausting is the duration of these enigmas. With each turning page, the mystery deepens and the haze intensifies. For me, at certain points, the book remained frustrating due to the lack of clarity as a reader; yet on finishing it I became preoccupied to understand the mystery beneath the words. Here is my key to unwind The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle with which I could segregate my thoughts and put some semblance of order into this brilliant yet chaotic narration.

Toru Okada – Toru is an easy-going young man who enjoys his domestic life. He does not measure success in terms of a great job or immeasurable wealth. Although unemployed, he uses his spare time in thinking deeply about anything ranging from music to relationships and also performing domestic chores. Rather than jumping on to the next job, he waits for it to be clear to him what profession to undertake. As a protagonist, he is anything but the conventional successful hero accepted by the norms of the society. He is a loner, not in control of the elements of his life and destined for unconditional doom.  As Toru is the protagonist, the antagonist is Noboru Wataya, an ambitious and malevolent man. We can even speculate that they are two sides of the same coin and that Noboru Wataya is a darker but highly successful version of Toru Okada.


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Noboru Wataya – Noboru Wataya is the nemesis of Toru Okada and also happens to be his brother-in-law. Noboru is Murakami’s alter-ego of Toru such that he is highly successful in the eyes of the society. He is an academician, a well- respected economist and a rising star in politics. Noboru Wataya stands for the duplicity of the society. In Murakami’s words:

“If you paid close attention to what he was saying or what he had written, you knew that his words lacked consistency. They reflected no single worldview based on profound conviction”.

Just like a chameleon changing its color, Noboru changes ideologies and principles with the sole purpose of defeating his opponents. Yet, hardly anybody seems to notice this in Noboru Wataya other than Toru.  They both deeply loath each other and their stories is a representation of good versus evil.

Creta Kano/ Kumiko Okada/ Telephone Woman – I am combining all these three characters together as I feel they are one and the same but existing at different time frames. Although Creta Kano and Kumiko exist during the same time, I feel that Creta is an earlier version of Kumiko. The striking physical similarity between the two women and Creta Kano sporting a sixties hairstyle suggests that she is an earlier version of Kumiko. Similarly, the dream transformations of the Telephone Woman to Creta Kano and then to Kumiko also suggests that they are the same person but at different times. The Telephone Woman appears to be a future version of Kumiko, calling to inform Toru about the troubles brewing within the mind of the present day Kumiko. Also, both Kumiko and Creta Kano suffer injustices at the hands of Noboru Wataya which leaves them empty and reeling for an identity.

Malta Kano/ Kumiko’s sister – The relationship between Creta and Malta Kano might be an extension of the relationship between Kumiko and her sister. Kumiko’s sister ends her life at a young age leaving Kumiko to deal with her life on her own. In contrast, Malta Kano even through her travels and research keeps in touch with Creta Kano, rescues her from destruction at the hands of Noboru and mentors her in the search of an identity. The relationship between the Kano sisters is what could have come out of Kumiko and her sister also, had she been alive.

Lieutenant Mamiya and Boris the Manskinner – The relationship between Boris and Mamiya reminds us of the relationship between Noboru Wataya and Toru Okada. There is the good versus evil theme in play here also similar to the work of Toru and Noboru. Mamiya is the one to introduce Toru to the experiences in the well where he narrowly misses being transported into the world of consciousness. Mamiya appears to be an earlier form of Toru himself with Boris being the equivalent of Noboru. Boris, who is pure evil, finds success in the fear of the people and in hoarding wealth. Mamiya, although righteous, could not kill Boris even when he shoots him straight into the head as the bullet misses him narrowly. Mamiya fails in the ultimate encounter and has to live with Boris’s curse for the rest of his life. Cementing the fact that Creta and Mamiya are the earlier forms of Kumiko and Toru respectively is the news that Creta marries Mamiya and has a child named Corsica with him. Toru decides to keep this as the name of the unborn child between him and Kumiko indicating that both are different manifestations of the same people.


PC : Vulture

Nutmeg and Cinnamon Akasaka – The stories of Nutmeg and Cinnamon puts into perspective the presence of the Wind-Up bird. The narratives showcases clearly that the bird is a harbinger for something evil. Every single person who listens to the bird experiences an extraordinary fate. Cinnamon listens to the bird at night and loses his power of speech and Toru loses Kumiko on listening to the bird. Their story also brings the mark on Toru’s face into picture and links him inextricably with Nutmeg’s father who too had a similar mark on his face. This story also raises the questions of split identities. All the main characters undergo out- of- body experiences – Cinnamon experiences it right before losing his speech when his conscience detaches from his body; Nutmeg, while physically present on the ship to Japan, has her conscience witnessing the killing of animals in the Manchuria Zoo and Nutmeg’s father, the veterinarian, experiences it in the graves of the murdered Chinese soldiers where at the same time he is both looking down at the soldiers and he himself is the soldier on the verge of death. All of them take the dual identities of one meeting out an action and the other suffering the consequence. Also, Cinnamon through his document titled ‘Wind-Up Bird Chronicle 17’ makes Toru aware of Kumiko’s decision about their future and also Noboru Wataya’s fate.

May Kasahara –May Kasahara is an interesting character in the book. I feel her purpose in the story is to guide Toru to the well where he discovers his consciousness. She also effectively closes the lid on the well trapping Toru in his consciousness and allowing him to roam through it freely to discover Kumiko.

The Well – The well stands for the connection between the consciousness and the sub-consciousness. Toru has to move into this world in search of Kumiko and battle the demons of his mind to eliminate Noboru Wataya and bring Kumiko back.

The Cat – The cat stands for the marital happiness of Toru and Kumiko. The leaving of the cat was an omen that their marriage was going through difficult times. Once the cat reappears in the apartment, it signals that Toru is in a position to communicate to Kumiko and even rescue her from the clutches of Noboru Wataya.

Do let me know your thoughts on the above write up by commenting below.



25 thoughts on “Unwinding the Wind-Up Bird – Decoding the Murakami Masterpiece

  1. Pingback: The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle by Haruki Murakami translated by Jay Rubin | Book Escapade

  2. I loved your perspective on the book. I just finished it and it was my first Murakami novel. What a brilliant portray of different characters. I couldn’t have thought that Creta and Malto sisters could have been an extension of Kumiko and her sister. And then the similarities between Mamiyo and Toru. Its just amazing how you connected these dots!


    • Thanks Arunima for reading the blog. I personally feel that Murakami is best enjoyed without much analysis and going with the flow. However, there comes a nagging feeling when even after finishing the book you have more questions than answers. So, I thought of penning down what and how I could make some semblance of logic from his complex narrative. Happy to know that you liked it.


      • I disagree, the analysis of it brings a whole new perspective of the book and a whole new reality. It is able to be perceived in so many ways that by thinking about it thoroughly you are able to enjoy the book again repeatedly. It’s a masterpiece in that sense, you can look at it as is and enjoy it, or you can enter the depths of it’s words, and run around in the labyrinth that is The Wind Up Bird Chronicle

        Liked by 1 person

      • Thank you for bringing a different perspective about reading Murakami. I personally felt that I enjoyed the first reading of Kafka on the Shore much better when I went with the flow without much analysis. The more I stopped reading and thought about the writing, I felt that I lost the flow. So, I did a second reading just to analyze the world he had created.
        However, with Unwinding, I felt that analyzing as I went along helped me better as the book was huge and the pleasure was less if I pushed aside the questions to finish the book


      • You nailed it with your Aug.8th entry. I have read about 75% of his novels and some short stories—it has become a compulsive hobby of the moment. I am drawn to his storytelling and his hidden meanings, but I cannot analyze as I’m reading, preferring to as you say “go with the flow”. That provides far more enjoyment. I cannot nail it down, but reading Murakami is unlike the work of any other author, whether Japanese, European, Indian or African. His journeys can get so complicated that I want to re-read them again in the near future. That, of course, conjures up “so many books; so little time”. Thanks very much for your analysis of Windup Bird. Helps a lot.

        Liked by 1 person

      • I feel like I obtained some clarity. I am going through similar circumstances in my life which is how I ended up here and I feel like I was guided here knowingly or unknowingly by my husband. Sounds crazy I know. But I’m ok with being a little crazy.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Thank you for this thoughtful essay. I just finished reading Wind Up for the second time, and I am currently reading all of Murakami’s novels in chronological order according to their initial publishing. I agree that they are often best left untouched by intellectual examination, but this one is so ambitiously twisted and mysterious that it’s fun to try and pull apart the threads. I enjoyed expanding my perspective through your insights. One thing I felt to be mysterious and left ambiguous was Cinnamon’s viewing of the men burying the heart, which included the image of a figure that looked like his father disappearing up a tree. Perhaps there is some duality connection within that scene. Also, I felt that the faceless man was Cinnamon’s avatar in the other dimension. He served to guide and look after Toru when he visited this world. Through Toru, Cinnamon also achieved clarity in the history of his own life.
    Many Thanks,

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  5. Your review was amazing !. It was a whole new definition… And if it for other readers it’s whole other. That’s the precise point of Murakami, he tells us the story it’s like conversation between me and him , conversation between you and him and the perspective of the stories and understandings differ ,that each one gives an exclusive meaning of their own self. So glad you came up with this theories . It’s 3am and I just now finished the book and came directly to search for connections and answers. And ended up, writing this letter (review) in front of the window with moon’s light in front of me like May kashara , or maybe later i will switch off the lights and will think deeply like Toru okada or lieutenant Maamiya .But am sure of one thing all these characters Murakami thrown to us are gonna be there for a while in my deep dark well(mind).

    Liked by 1 person

  6. This is a great blogpost. I really liked how you said “The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle can have different effects on the readers – it can either amaze you with its sheer brilliance or exhaust you with its seemingly unconnected tales. ” That was really well said and so true of my experience. It’s been a while since I read this book, but maybe I’ll go back.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Thank you for posting your book analysis! I finished reading this book and although I felt similar to what you have said, there is still this nagging feeling that May Kasahara is also another version of Kumiko. Like… the younger present-day version of her. I love your thorough perception of his book.


  8. Just finished the book. My housemate thinks I wasn’t enjoying it, but I was so immersed and took my time reading it. I was left pretty confused and exhausted, but not in a bad way. Now I have read your interpretations and read other peoples views, it confirms the Murakami as one of a kind. I am smiling now I have finished it and have heard your thoughts which make sense to me – thank you


  9. That was a great post. I agree with chandlersnotes’ comment, I think you summed it up perfectly well with that statement: “The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle can have different effects on the readers – it can either amaze you with its sheer brilliance or exhaust you with its seemingly unconnected tales.” I’d like to say I was part of the former category but in actuality I was closer to the latter.
    Anyway, your breakdown is insightful and succinct; I certainly could not have gotten there without help.


  10. That is a really helpful and succinct post. I think I had come to a lot of the same conclusions myself without being able to articulate them and I found your ideas on the parallels between Lieutenant Mamiya/Boris the Manskinner and Toro/Noboru especially insightful. I agree with Lina D above that May Kasahara is like a younger version of Kumiko as illustrated by her innocence/purity/youth albeit it with dangerous tendencies. For me May Kasahara gives the hope for the future of Toro and Kumiko as they have the chance of a brand new start and a new life a bit like what lies ahead when you are 17. Part of me wanted Toro to end up with May Kasahara in the end and in a way I think that is what happens.

    I am still intrigued by what/who it was that Toro killed in the dark and he was told so clearly not look at. I wondered if he would have seen himself perhaps in that room in some form and would not have been able to go ahead with it? The idea that Noboru is the other side of the coin to Toro is fasciniating.

    Also, why did Cinamon not want to let Toro see him at the end of the book after he rescued him? Is there a chance that Cinamon had taken on the blue mark or had he somehow given his life breath to Toro to bring him back to life? What is clear to me is that Cinamon was his guardian angel and helped him succeed where Lietenant Mamiya had failed.


  11. Read Kafka on the Shore first and then Wind Up….this author is not just fantastic but deft and precise in his showing us the contra sides of life through metaphor….your analysis is certainly more than creative…well thouht out iin my view to show the opositions of characters posited…

    Liked by 1 person

  12. I also want to thank you for sharing your analysis. The way you created connections between characters across generations aligned with my much less articulate interpretation about inherited trauma. Murakami’s characters from previous generations endured horrific experiences in the war that seem to reverberate in contemporary society in ways that are hard for me to put a finger on. The back and forth temporal structure in the book certainly engenders connections between the contemporary and the past, but Murakami seems to trust the reader by leaving those connections sufficiently open to interpretation.


  13. Great book and lift me puzzled for days after i finished in my opinion I have the following analogies:

    1-the Wtayas are reflection to the Kanos, strict parents, a big brother -a Nobru like- who is indifferent to his youngour sibblings (we know this from Creta description of him when she borrowed the car) and she had a leverage against because she helped in buying the car (Nobru defiled his sister and she had a leverge against also). Creta is an earlier and gulible version of Kumiko yet Malta is stronger developed version of Kumiko’s older sister who escaped the dusfunctional family and at a later stage protected the younger sister!
    2-Nutmeg represents the support and maybe the family Toru never had and the pushed him into a career, Toru once said in his career mayhem “I could do just about anything if somebody made me”. The family theory is boosted by Toru having blue mark as Nutmeg’s father maybe he is an incarnation and both are so passive and fatalistic!

    two issues dazzeled me and i have no answe to:
    a why Cinamon avoided to see Toru and completely disappeared?!
    b in the last dream where Toru meets Malta in blood dripping room and Ashikaw is a dog Why did Malta had the cat’s tail ?!


  14. Just finished the book. My reaction after reading, I need to find a well and think about all these stories.

    I liked your analysis of the book. And yes, when they are connected we see a similar story played again and again. Also, these stories are connected with each other with new actors emerging.


  15. I’m about half finished with this book right now, and although I’m loving it, your thoughts and ideas have helped clarify things a bit for me. Good food for thought . Thank you!

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